Lightius Loci: Spirit of Light

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The second edition of CLUE international lighting competition is now open for entries. The theme of this year’s contest is “Lightius Loci – Spirit of Light.” CLUE – Community Lighting for the Urban Environment aims to challenge students & emerging professionals to develop innovative lighting concepts for interior and exterior spaces, stimulate challenging ideas, and recognize the individuals creating those ideas.

The deadline for registrations is January 30, 2016.


The CLUE (Community Lighting for the Urban Environment) competition expects to further position itself inside the larger community of lighting professionals and continue on the route of being an internationally recognized leader in the design community. Therefore, CLUE has set itself the goal of encouraging and challenging young designers such as students (University & Colleges) and emerging Professionals (<5 years in their profession) to develop innovative lighting concepts for interior and exterior spaces, stimulate challenging ideas and recognize individuals creating those ideas.



CLUE - Lightius Loci: Spirit of Light

CLUE – Lightius Loci: Spirit of Light





“To live between earth and heaven, man must “understand” those two elements, and their interaction.”
Christian Norberg-Schulz; Genius loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture


From one village to another, from a great capital to another, from one continent to another, there are fewer discoveries for the traveler: this epidemic phenomenon, sanitizes cities as well as man. Humanity has no more time to think; ease and expediency reigns. Everything must go quickly, risking the abuse of the copy-paste and multiplying the mistakes by overriding respect for context, originality of a place, a space: globalization tends to depersonalize our environment.


The spirit of place. In the religion of ancient Rome, a genius loci was the protective spirit of a place. Man, over history, has always endeavored to promote local quality of its environment to build their living environment. The intrinsic characteristics of a place differ from a geographic, sociologic, demographic, urban point of view, giving the place its uniqueness. Whatever the level, the context, the creation must be an appropriate response to the sense of place: the place must be the starting point of the reflection of design.


CLUE 02:

The second edition of the CLUE competition invites you to think about the spirit of a place where light does not escape the genius loci design principle.

Candidates should choose a place without limitation of scale, location, inside and outside, and provide a response in line with the local reality.
Proposals will be evaluated primarily according to relevance of the lighting plan in relation to the selected location and context.


Photovascular system, winner of past contest

Photovascular system, winner of past contest



Winners will be selected from all eligible submitted projects. Prizes will be awarded on merit by an international jury composed of professionals in the fields of design and urban planning. Prizes will be distributed as follows on the jury’s discretion.

1st PRIZE: $5000
2nd PRIZE: $2500
3rd PRIZE: $1000


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