Ventura Lambrate: Are you ready for take-off?

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A new year has just begun for all, a year full of new ideas, projects and creative concepts.
Even Organisation in Design is working on several new projects for this year Ventura. Perhaps you have heard
already about Ventura Central, which will take place simultaneously at the Design Week in Milan, and also
planning the second edition of Ventura New York – Dutch edition in May.
Now that we are at the beginning of the new year, this also means that the eighth edition of Ventura Lambrate
(04-09 April 2017) will be starting in less than three months!

VL logo 2017 with stamp JPEG


The heart of Ventura Lambrate button Ventura Lambrate is well known for its industrial and creative atmosphere concentrate. The eighth edition which is celebrated in 21 different locations in Via Ventura, Via and Via Privata Oslavia Maximian. This year, There will also be a major focus of an external program. Some of homes have a courtyard, each of it will be a lively area with a festive atmosphere where visitors can stop for a while ‘.

And although we are still in the middle of the selection process, we can reveal that the quality of projects is
very high! There are the first names confirmed!



Ready for takeoff – Milan target?


After a successful presentation last year in Ventura Lambrate, Thailand Trade Office will present the
project ‘Slow Hand drawing 2017: TRANSOUVENIRS’, a showcase of design that characterizes craft eclectic
products of Thai Cuisine, fashion, jewelry and home accessories in a fun to see the exhibition Thai market.


This year will come back in Ventura Lambrate EIA of Denmark Design: students of the Academy will kick off with a
stage exploration on a mission to challenge existing designs for AIDS Healthcare / furniture.
Meanwhile Basten Leijh present his project ‘How are you?’, Addressing the dialogue between the products and the people as if they were able to read minds. Plott study will use their 3D printer as a tool to print a carpet, the design of different models for each rug, while making use of its method of production on a small scale. A Ventura Lambrate this Dutch study will present the first results produced. Italians know how to make good coffee. In 1943, Alfonso Bialetti invented the Moka Express machine that is now the famous coffee. Bialetti will present their new line of products in Ventura Lambrate.

Of course there are many more exhibitors to be announced, so stay tuned for the next updates!



Ready for takeoff – Milan target?

The clock is ticking!
You still have the dream of presenting your work in Ventura Lambrate 2017? We have good news!
The Final Call for Entries is open for a few more days and will close on January 15, 2017. In order to have one yet
more chances to apply … but the clock is ticking, so apply here! is a Media partner of Ventura Lambrate 2017